• 2022-06-06
    E-C Translationthe more you get out of your dorm room, the more you’ll get out of college dorm life.
  • 你走出宿舍越多,从大学宿舍生活中获益也就越多。


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      You should stand up to get the salt if it is out of your reach. ( )

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      Mind mapping helps you lay out your topic, so you get a vision of your writing.( )

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      智慧职教: 36. If you plan your time well, you can make your college life more                      (enjoy).

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      The _______ you work, the more you’ll be able to get what you<br/>want. A: hard B: hardly C: harder

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      What will you get to understand in college? You will get better _________ of yourself and of your capabilities.