• 2022-06-06
    An analyst makes the appropriate adjustments to the financial statements of retail companies that are lessees using a substantial number of operating leases. Compared to ratios computed from the unadjusted statements, the ratios computed from the adjusted statements would most likely be higher for:()
    A: the debt-equity ratio but not the interest coverage ratio.
    B: the interest coverage ratio but not the debt-equity ratio.
    C: both the debt-equity ratio and the interest coverage ratio.
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following ratios and rates that measure debt-paying ability focuses on the long-term position of a company? A: Quick ratio B: Inventory turnover C: Current ratio D: Debt ratio

    • 1

      The<br/>debt ratio is the ratio of total debt divided by total equity.( )

    • 2

      Which of the following is usually least important as a measure of short - term liquidity ______. A: Quick ratio B: Current ratio C: Debt ratio D: Cash flows from operating activities

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: A firm has a long-term debt ratio of 50%. This means that the book value of equity:

    • 4

      All of the following statements are correct except ______. A: quick ratio is one of the current ratios B: quick ratio is used to measure the liquidity C: quick ratio is a more accurate measurement of liquidity of the current ratio D: quirk ratio is exact the same as the current ratio