• 2022-06-06
    How to set up a meeting
    A: Make an exact time
    B: Touch base with the co-workers
    C: Prepare note book, pen and name card
    D: Ask some one to take the meeting minutes
    E: Prepare the copies of meeting schedule
  • A,B,C,D,E


    • 0

      When assigned to prepare a business meeting, what you should prepare? A: equipments needed B: materials needed C: meeting time, place, participants D: meeting agenda,objective

    • 1

      Please tick off the preparations for a meeting (tasks before a meeting). A: Prepare a clear agenda B: Inform the participants C: Decide the meeting room(s) D: Write the meeting minutes E: Distribute the minutes from last meeting F: Get printed materials ready

    • 2

      Can I ask you to __________ minutes on this meeting? A: reach B: make C: take D: hold

    • 3

      ‎The main idea of the passage is ________.‏ A: how to transcribe the meeting minutes B: how to format notes at the meeting C: How to make notes at the meeting D: Both A and B

    • 4

      Having a suitable agenda ________ (prepare) will make the meeting more efficient.