• 2022-06-06
    -Mum, when can I watch TV?-As soon as your homework ______.
    A: finish
    B: finished
    C: is finished
    D: will be finished
  • C


    • 0

      Tell the children not to watch TV until they ________ their homework. A: finishes B: will finish C: have finished D: finished

    • 1

      —______you ______your homework yet? —Yes. I ______it a moment ago. A: Did; do; finished B: Have; done; have finished C: Have; done; finished D: Will; do; finish

    • 2

      You can’t watch TV ____ you’ve finished your homework.

    • 3

      finished his homework, the boy was allowed to watch TV play.

    • 4

      I will do some cleaning as soon as I my homework. A: finish B: will finish C: has finished D: finished