• 2022-06-06
    How long have you _____ the League ?
    A: A . joined
    B: B . joined in
    C: C . been in
    D: D . taken part in
  • C


    • 0

      My uncle, as well as his three children, ______ the competition. A: have joined B: have joined in C: has joined in D: has been joined in

    • 1

      Mr. Black ___ the party for one hour. A: has atteded B: has joined C: has been in D: has taken part in

    • 2

      She told us that her brother ________ the league for more than three years. A: had been in B: had joined C: joined D: had become a member of

    • 3

      ________English? A: How long time are you studying B: How long do you study C: How long have you been studying D: How long time have you studied

    • 4

      He _________ the League three years ago. A: joined B: has joined C: joins D: is joining