• 2022-06-06
    A: passwd   –l  user1
    B: passwd   –U   user1
    C: usermod  –l  user1
    D: usermod  –u   user1
  • A


    • 0

      A user named User1 uses a computer that runs Windows XP Professional. You need to enable User1 to create local user accounts. You must minimize the rights assigned to the User1 account. Which group should you add User1 to?() A: Administrators B: Power Users C: Users D: Network Configuration Operator

    • 1

      A user named User1 uses a computer that runs Windows XP Professional. You need to enable User1 to create local user accounts. You must minimize the rights assigned to the User1 account.  Which group should you add User1 to?() A: Administrators B: Power Users C: Users  D: Network Configuration Operators

    • 2

      使用GRANT语句创建用户名为user1、密码为123,并授予该用户对chapter08.student表有查询权限。 下面选项中,能实现上述功能的语句是 A: GRANT SELECT ON chapter08.student FOR 'user1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123'; B: GRANT USER SELECT ON chapter08.student TO 'user1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123'; C: GRANT USER SELECT ON chapter08.student 'user1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123'; D: GRANT SELECT ON chapter08.student TO 'user1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';

    • 3

      下面使用DROP USER语句删除用户user1的语句中,正确的是()

    • 4

      以下哪个是用来锁定用户的命令( ) A: user -l B: passwd -l C: group -u D: gpasswd -l