He exhorted his companions, “Try to your aim with diligence.”
A: accompany
B: accomplish
C: accommodate
D: account
A: accompany
B: accomplish
C: accommodate
D: account
- He exhorted his companions, “Try to ___ your aim with diligence.” A: accompany B: accomplish C: accomplish D: account
- He exhorted his companions, “Try to ____ your aim with diligence.”
- He exhorted his companions, "Try to _______ your aim with diligence" A: accomplish B: sit C: match D: deal
- If we'd all work together, I think we could ____our goal. A: accompany B: accomplish C: accommodate D: account
- Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the A: accompany B: accomplish C: accommodate D: account