Every matrix transformation is a linear transformation.
- Not every linear transformation from [img=22x19]1803b6a8affc14b.png[/img]to [img=25x19]1803b6a8b9210ff.png[/img]is a matrix transformation.
- The transformation that takes x to 2x+1 is a linear transformation.
- 5.1.7 “Three Dimension Transformations”, Linguistic Dimension Transformation, Cultural Dimension Transformation and Communicative Dimension Transformation.
- The transformation between coordinate systems contains translation and rotation transformation.
- The columns of the standard matrix for a linear transformation from [img=22x19]1803b6a8c19a71a.png[/img]to [img=25x19]1803b6a8c9f3863.png[/img] are the images of the columns of the [img=44x19]1803b6a8d3fc1b1.png[/img] indentity matrix.