Empires ___________ and people disappear, but a good song never passes away.
- 1. Empires ____ and people disappear, but a good song never passes away. A: revolve B: solve C: resolve D: dissolve
- It never entered my mind that you went about giving money away in that careless manner. A: I never thought that you gave money away so quickly. B: I never thought that you gave money away so carelessly. C: I thought you would never give money to others. D: I thought you were a careless person to give money away.
- From Socrates’ debate with his students, we know that _____( ). A: we should define what is good and what is evil according to different situations. B: good people never cheat others. C: we should not steal away our friend’s tool when he is committing suicide.
- Auld Lang Sync is ______. A: a Scottish song which says good-bye to old friends B: a Scottish song that welcomes the coming of the new year C: a song sung by the Scottish people only D: a Scottish song remembering obi friends and good times
- They are very good friends. I have never seen two people so attached to each other.