• 2022-06-06
    中国大学MOOC: Because of different cultures people have different customs and behaviors. In the following statements, which ones are not popular in Chinese culture?
  • Name a dog after one’s father. Have pot-luck dinner. Face saving is not important.


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      中国大学MOOC: Read the following statements and decide which ones are inappropriate behaviors based on your common sense.

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      Although people from different cultures may have very different customs and beliefs, you don’t have to respect these differences when welcoming a business partner.

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      Why health care professionals are often challenged by cultural differences?(为什么公共卫生专业人员经常受到文化差异的挑战?) A: Because people from different cultures have different values.(因为不同文化背景的人有不同的价值观) B: Because people from different cultures have different habits.(因为不同文化背景的人有不同的习惯) C: Because people from different cultures have different health-related ideas.(因为不同文化背景的人对健康有不同的看法) D: Because people from different cultures have different language systems.(因为来自不同文化的人有不同的语言系统)

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      Why is it hard to lose an accent() A: Because people with accents are stupid. B: Because people have to reset the speech patterns due to different alphabets. C: Because hiring a speech coach is too expensive, and people cannot afford. D: Because people with accents have different culture backgrounds which may not be overcome easily.

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      The Chinese should have a similar psychological experience. Foreign cultures that are very different from Chinese culture are basically not loved or accepted by Chinese people.