A sense of beauty comes with the gift of life.Most of pelple don’t have to be instructed the rarity of beauty.( )
- Among the three beauties, beauty in sense comes first, beauty in sound comes second and beauty in form is the last consideration.
- Beauty is the unity of inner beauty and outer beauty. External beauty is the exhibition of inner beauty. Inner beauty is the condensed form of outer beauty.
- What does the passage mainly focus on, physical beauty or inner beauty A: Physical beauty. B: Inner beauty.
- In his paper titled Three Beauties—How to translate Mao Zedong’s Poems and Ci, he clearly illustrated the priority of the three beauties. Among the three beauties, __________ comes first, __________ comes second and __________ is the last consideration. ①beauty in sound ②beauty in form ③beauty in sense A: ②③① B: ③①② C: ①②③ D: ③②①
- “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is the most famous words of the poem ______. A: Hyperion B: Don Juan C: “To a Skylark” D: “Ode on a Grecian Urn”