Annual percentage rate is stated interest rate.
- What is the annual percentage rate on a loan with a stated rate of 2.75 percent per quarter?
- A monthly interest rate expressed as an annual rate would be an example of which one of the following rates? A: stated rate B: discounted annual rate C: effective annual rate D: periodic monthly rate
- 中国大学MOOC: 假设挂牌年利率(Stated Annual Percentage Rate, Stated APR)为12%,那么,每个月复利计息一次对应的有效年利率(Effective Annual Rate, EFF)为( )
- The stated rate is the same as the coupon rate.
- 假设挂牌年利率(Stated Annual Percentage Rate, Stated APR)为12%,那么,每个月复利计息一次对应的有效年利率(Effective Annual Rate, EFF)为( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['', '12%', '', '以上均不正确'], 'type': 102}