A: Kang Xi
B: Yong Zheng
C: Qian Long
D: Jia Qing
- Which emperor wrote the title of "Dao Nan Zheng Mai" in Yuelu Academy? A: Kang Xi B: Yong Zheng C: Qian Long D: Jia Qing
- The name Yuan Ming Yuan was given by Emperor Qian Long of Qing Dynasty. ( )
- Which one was the leading academy in Shaanxi Province in the Ming and Qing Dynasty? A: Yuelu Shuyuan B: Tianfu Shuyuan C: Guanzhong Shuyuan D: Bailudong Shuyuan
- What was Zheng Banqiao (郑板桥), a painter in the Qing dynasty, best known for?
- Zheng Banqiao( 郑板桥 ) is a famous painter in the Qing dynasty for painting bamboo.
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Emperor (皇帝)Qin Shihuang had __________ as his surname (姓氏). A: Qin B: Ying C: Zheng D: Huang
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使用pyecharts绘图时,可使用以下哪段代码为图表c添加标题?( ) A: c.set_global_opts(title_opts=TitleOpts(title="标题文本")) B: c.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="标题文本")) C: c.set_global_opts(title =opts.TitleOpts(title_opts ="标题文本")) D: c.set_global_opts(title=opts.TitleOpts(title="标题文本"))
- 2
___________opened up the “Silk Road” leading to West Asia and Europe. A: Ban Chao B: Zheng He C: Su Wu D: Zhang Qian
- 3
In “Ying Zheng, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, unified China in 221 B.C.”, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty acts as ___ of the sentence. A: the subject complement B: the appositive C: the subject D: the complement
- 4
id值为ul1的ul中有5个li标签,通过jQuery方法给每个li添加title属性,使用attr属性操作下列书写正确的是哪个( ) A: $(" B: ul1 li").each(function(index)){this.attr('title',"文字") C: $(" D: ul1 li").each(function(index)){$(this).attr('title',"文字") E: $(" F: ul1 li").each(function(index)){$(this).attr('title':"文字") G: $(" H: ul1 li").each(function(index)){$(this).attr('title',文字)