• 2022-06-06
    In the Middle Ages students ______ .
    A: took objective tests
    B: specialized in one subject
    C: were timed by electric clocks
    D: never wrote exams
  • D


    • 0

      What subject is NOT usually compulsory for Chinese students in the middle school?

    • 1

      One of the things she (wrote) (about) (were) life on a small farm at the (beginning) of the century. A: wrote B: were C: were D: beginning

    • 2

      In Middle Ages, young men and women would wear their sleeves for A: one day B: one year C: one week D: one month

    • 3

      The people there were ____ young students between the ages of 13 and 15.

    • 4

      [音频]In the Middle Ages, books were hand-copied by specially trained monks.