• 2022-06-06
    Grape is to wine as ()
    A: olive is to oil
    B: cranberry is to red
    C: bread is to pudding
    D: beef is to cow
    E: sheep is to shepherd
  • A


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      Which food did James mention that is delicious but not very healthy? A: Roasted hamburger B: Red wine C: Roast beef sandwiches

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      Grape and Wine Science:

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      What is the most cultivated table grape variety in the world? A: Shine-Muscat Grape B: Kyoho grape C: Summer Black Grape D: Red Globe grape

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      Because of the mad cow disease, The European Union ( ) a worldwide ban on British beef and beef product exports.

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      The common host of psoroptic mange are( ) A: Sheep B: Buffalo C: Goat D: Cow