T-BOX(Telematics BOX):____
- 在JavaScript开发中,varbox=10+“1”;document.write(“box=”+box)输出是?() A: box=101 B: box=box C: box=10 D: box=NAN
- If you do not wish to be sent product information leaflets, please tick this box □ A: Leave the box empty if you don’t mind receiving information. B: Fill in the box if you need more information. C: Tick the box if you are happy with our products.
- 在jquery中,选择id为box的元素,以下操作正确的是: A: $(".box") B: $("#box") C: $("box") D: $(#box)
- Core box≥die box
- There is ____ box in the room. _____ box is heavy.