3 ___ network controller
- CAN总线的英文全称() A: Controller Area Network B: Controll Area Network C: Controller Area Net D: Controll Area Net
- What's the correct sequence of data flow in the diagram in 5.1.2? A: User→Input Controller→Game Core→Graphics Engine B: User→Sound Engine→Graphics Engine→Game Core C: User→Input Controller→Physics Engine→Graphics Engine D: User→Sound Engine→Network Controller→Sound Engine
- A network has 6 branches and 3 independent kvl equations. How many nodes are there in the network ?( )。 A: 6 B: 5 C: 4 D: 3
- PLC英文名称的全称是( )。 A: programming logic controller B: programmable logic controller C: programmer logical controller D: programing logical controller
- NodeAgent 每隔 3 秒向 Controller 发送心跳信息,支持配置间隔时间