• 2022-06-06
    high heighta. The sun is _____________ in the sky.b. Daniel is 1.8 meters in _____________.
  • high# height


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      The wall is about 7.5 meters high and 9 meters _______. A: long B: deep C: thick

    • 1

      There are only two ways to create sky lights:creating with Aronld Light sky light or photometric sun locator.

    • 2

      ___ new moon is hanging high in ____sky() A: The, the B: A, the C: A , a

    • 3

      Looking up at the sky, I saw the sun went under a cloud.

    • 4

      The city wall of Pingyao Ancient City is 46 kilometers. It is about 10 meters high and 3 to 6 meters wide on top.