• 2022-06-06
    What is human touch?
    A: It refers to the acts of spontaneous kindness given without thought of return.
    B: It is originated from the warmest aspect of human nature;
    C: It is a natural revelation of sincere emotions among one another;
    D: It gives people a wonderful feeling of love, care and an encouraging spirit.
  • A,B,C,D


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      Identify which of the following is not among the five universal questions for cultures, according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck. A: what is the character of human nature? B: what is the relation of humankind to nature? C: what is the value of wealth? D: what is the relationship of people to each other? E: what is the value placed on time?

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      Things from Earth that people use are ___________. A: animal resources B: human resources C: natural resources

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      “Human is at one with nature” is one of the important ideas of _____.

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      The humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of ___________ . A: human culture B: human nature C: natural science D: engineering science

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      One need to be pure-minded as a human being,what dose “pure-minded” mean? A: Not care at all B: kindhearted C: stand aloof from worldly success D: pure-minded