• 2022-06-06
    Some of the houses on the hillside are _______ to cars.[br][/br] [br][/br]
    A: inaccessible
    B: impossible
    C: inconvenient
    D: inadequate
  • C


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      Some people like to have all their travel __1__done by a travel agent.[br][/br] A) tickets [br][/br]B) time [br][/br]C) arrangements [br][/br]D)agents

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      There are some tall trees____ the building. A: in<br/>front of B: in<br/>the front of C: on<br/>front of D: on<br/>the front of

    • 2

      The threats of biodiversity reduction are different from region to region, in Asia, it is ______ . A: inadequate<br/>management B: industrial<br/>development C: poaching D: effective<br/>management

    • 3

      Some<br/>of the oldest buildings in this area ___________<br/>300 years ago. A: date<br/>backing in B: tracking<br/>on C: origin<br/>in D: date<br/>back to

    • 4

      Which<br/>of the following two aspects are included in the construction of the<br/>conversion of farmland to forests:____ A: Return<br/>farmland to forest on hillside farmland B: Afforestation<br/>in barren hills and wasteland suitable for forest C: Afforestation in the tidal flat D: Afforestation in saline soil