• 2022-06-06
    From the passage we learn that Judith was the first woman________.
    A: to walk around the world
    B: to brave the storm
    C: to cover the longest distance
    D: to fly round the world
  • D


    • 0

      Prance controlled Syria________ A: before the First World War B: from 1516 until the end of the First World War C: from 1516 to Syrian independence D: from the end of the First World War to 1946

    • 1

      What can we learn from the passage? A: Never cause misunderstanding between friends. B: Try to build more bridges. C: Learn from the carpenter. D: Communicate more with our good friends, and be brave to confess.

    • 2

      According to the passage, more and more people around the world today .

    • 3

      We learn from the passage that

    • 4

      WWW的全称为 ( ) A: World Wide Web B: Wide World Web C: Walk World Web D: World Walk Web