• 2022-06-06
    The Chinese are not infequent guests of their good Chinese restaurants and some restaurants are so popular that you have to book months in advance to get a table.
  • 中国人常常光临好口碑的中餐馆,而在有些人气很高的餐馆里,你要提前好几个月才能订到桌位。


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      A:_____________ go to restaurants? B: Yes, very often. I love_________ to restaurants. A: I’d like ________ to that new Chinese restaurant tonight. What do you think? A: Good idea.

    • 1

      Almost every town in England has a Chinese restaurant or 1_____. In big cities such as London, you can visit 2_____ _____. Here are 3____ ____ Chinese restaurants and even Chinese 4_____. Even 5_____ ______ are written in both Chinese and English

    • 2

      10. Chinese food is good, __________ it is popular with young professionals who have no time to cook. A: so B: where C: unless D: in case

    • 3

      The author makes up the restaurant story in order to _______ A: show the good service offered in some Web restaurants B: show the good service offered in some Web restaurants C: show the Internet’s ability to collect data on you D: prove the incredible power of the Internet

    • 4

      Chinese food is good, _____ it is popular with young professionals who have no time to cook.