• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: If a bill is payable “ 60 days after date”, the date of payment is decided according to ( )
  • C. the date of the bill


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      “at 30 days after the date of the draft”是汇票付款日期的哪种记载形式

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      汇票上写明“at 30 days after date",则汇票的付款日期为( )

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      中国大学MOOC: The purpose of the negotiation, discount on large quantity purchase, terms of payment and date of delivery are the factors to be considered in the price negotiation.

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      中国大学MOOC: According to Steve Jobs, what were two milestone products in our industry to date?

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      若合同规定付款期限是货物装船后30天付款,则在填写开证申请书时,汇票的付款期限(Draft at)处应填()。 A: 30 Days After Sight B: 30 Days After B/L Date C: 30 Days From Invoice Date D: Sight