Translate the sentence into Chinese:I’ll show you the way on the map.
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.
- translate the sentence with “就……了”I could speak Chinese before I came to China.
- Part I Sentence translation?xml:namespace>;Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese or vice versa1.The best way to help troubled children is to shower them with more love.
- Translate the sentence into chinese withe“从”I come from the United States to China.
- Translate the sentence into chinese withe“从”I come from the United States to China. A:
- 0
please translate the sentence into chinese I think he's far away from me.
- 1
Americans might think that the Chinese people show _____ humility when reacting to the sentence "You look beautiful."
- 2
中国大学MOOC: Translate the sentence into chinese withe“从”I come from the United States to China.
- 3
I’ll tell you the difference between Chinese and Western eating ____.
- 4
Translate English into Chinese with“听说”I heard you used to be good friends.我……………………