• 2022-06-06
    What did aunt Marry used to do when the man was a child?
  • D) Warn him of danger by making up a story


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      What did the man do for his grandmother( )

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      Q: When did the man first do a triathlon?

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      11. Why was the old man walking in the subway? Because he was looking for______. 12. What did the old man see lying on the seat? He saw______ lying on the seat. 13. What did the old man ask? The old man asked whether the seat_______. 14. What did the old man say when the subway started? The old man said the owner of the bag must have_______. 15. What did the old man want to do? He wanted to ______ out of the window.

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      What did the man like when he was in high school?

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      What did Napolean do when Paris was captured