Translate the following sentence into Chinese.It looks like the snow never stops.
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese or English.I’d like to go to America to graduate work in medicine.
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese.What is the weather like today?
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.
- Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.It is impossible not to do the work.
- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: We will sweep aside all obstacles and continue to advance.
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Translate the following sentence into Chinese or English.我打算充分利用这次旅行去购物。
- 1
Translate the following sentence into Chinese: Only a small elite can afford to send their children to this school.
- 2
Part I Sentence translation?xml:namespace>;Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese or vice versa:1.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, assuming that all children like these things.
- 3
Translate the following sentences into Chinese or EnglishIt may never have occurred to you that you always board from the lefi-hand side.
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Translate the following sentence into English.