• 2022-06-06
    The staff members were asked to arrive a few minutes earlier before the meeting_____.(5.0)
    A: will start
    B: starts
    C: started
    D: would start
  • C


    • 0

      28、 The adviser recommended that Mary _____ the training program as soon as possible. A: started B: starts C: start D: would start

    • 1

      If I were you, I _________ looking for another job. A: started B: would start C: had started D: shall start

    • 2

      If I were you, I ______ job hunting by visiting the websites of these companies. A: will start B: had started C: start D: would start

    • 3

      The policemen would have caught the murderer ________ a few minutes ealier. A: were they to arrive B: had they arrived C: if they were to arrive D: if they should arrive

    • 4

      We proposed that work ______ at once. A: start B: starts C: will start D: started