中国大学MOOC: The young applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applying and therefore would not get the job he wanted.
- The young applicant was well prepared for the job he was applying for and therefore got the job.
- The applicant should state clearly the job position he/she is applying for in the beginning of the letter.
- Before a job interview, an applicant should try to know more about the vacancy he is applying for. _____( )
- 中国大学MOOC: Colin put on his best suit for the job interview. He wanted to ___________.
- if I want to express “nobody else should get that job, only he”, the sentence stress should put in A: I ‘think he should get that job B: I think ‘he should get that job C: ‘I think he should get that job D: I think he should get that ‘job