• 2022-06-05
    ……… my hand on a piece of glass. Do you have a Band-Aid?
    A: I cutted
    B: I was cutting
    C: I’ve cut
    D: I cut
  • C


    • 0

      --Oh, it's you! I _______ you.--I've had my hair ______. A: didn't realize; cut B: haven't realized; cutting C: didn't recognize; cut D: don't recognized; to cut

    • 1

      I’ll get my hair ________. A: cutted B: cuted C: cut D: cutten

    • 2

      My son's hair is too long; it wants ______. I'll have it ______ tomorrow. ( ) A: cutting… done B: cutting… to be done C: being cut… done D: to be cut… to be done

    • 3

      I have my hair (cut)yesterday.

    • 4

      I think I'll have to cut back ______ my expenses on clothes.