• 2022-06-05
    What is first aid?
  • First aid is the first help to save a person's life before the medical help arrives.


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      The most important thing in providing first aid is to______. A: call for an ambulance B: prevent bleeding C: know what to do D: act quickly

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      Jim () the heart attack thanks to the prompt first aid treatment.

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      First aid is... A: Medical care given in a Hospital. B: Emergency care given to an injured or suddenly ill person. C: Your first visit to a clinic to diagnose an illness. D: The first time you get scholarship aid from your school.

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      What are the main first aid measures?() A: Keep the airway open B: Supine or antishock position (Extended) C: Treatment of primary injury D: Sedative, analgesic and warm E: All of the above

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      what should be put in the first aid kit in your suitcase? A: the bandage to deal with the wound B: the medicinal alcohol or alcohol wipes for disinfection C: some common medicines D: sterile bandages and antiallergic tape