first aid kit
A: a drug obtained from the plant genus Artemisia and used to treat malaria
B: a box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in an emergency
C: is a serious disease carried by mosquitoes which causes periods of fever.
D: to give medical or surgical care to (someone) or for (some disorder)
A: a drug obtained from the plant genus Artemisia and used to treat malaria
B: a box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in an emergency
C: is a serious disease carried by mosquitoes which causes periods of fever.
D: to give medical or surgical care to (someone) or for (some disorder)
- First aid is... A: Medical care given in a Hospital. B: Emergency care given to an injured or suddenly ill person. C: Your first visit to a clinic to diagnose an illness. D: The first time you get scholarship aid from your school.
- Which of the following is NOT a disease carried by an insect in some stage? A: malaria B: yellow fever C: bubonic plague D: Lyme disease E: typhus
- Which of the following is NOT a disease carried by an insect in some stage? ( ) A: malaria (疟疾) B: yellow fever (黄热病) C: bubonic plague (腺鼠疫) D: Lyme disease (莱姆病) E: leishmaniasis (黑热病)
- According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of a medical emergency? A: Help is very difficult to get when a medical emergency happens. B: One can call 911 no matter where you are. C: Prevention and preparation can prevent a medical emergency from occurring. D: A medical emergency can cause death if rescue is not instantly available.
- Which of the following does not fall within the context of medical social work?( A: Hospital care B: Community care C: Disease treatment D: Disease prevention