• 2022-06-05
    A general purpose is___________
    A: to inform
    B: to persuade
    C: to entertain
    D: to inspire
  • A,B,C,D


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      Which of the following is not a general purpose common to business communication? A: To inform B: To persuade C: To negotiate D: To entertain E: All of the above are common general purposes.

    • 1

      A presentation to your board of directors about sales figures for the last quarter will mainly need to ________ A: inform B: persuade C: entertain D: inspire

    • 2

      General purpose means the broad goal of a speech, it will usually fall into two categories: ( ). A: To inform B: To remember C: To sell D: To persuade

    • 3

      What is the purpose of the passage in Question 3?( ) A: to entertain the reader. B: to persuade the reader to continue reading for more information about how to write a business proposal. C: to inform the reader about the website. D: to inform the reader about the business proposal.

    • 4

      The purpose of this passage is to ______. A: inform B: persuade C: debate D: narrate