- 46. The sentence "Boys are boys." is a tautology. It is uninformative by virtue of its semantic content. In uttering it the speaker flouts the first maxim of ___________ ____: the contribution to conversation is not sufficiently informative.
- In the first two decades after the Second World War, the US Government adopted a policy of Cold War and “Containment” in its relationship with the Soviet Union.( )
- The event took place during() A: First World War B: the First World War C: World War the One D: the World War One
- The First World War was an imperialist war as well as a _____ war because it was not confined only to Europe. It lasted _____ years.
- The ______ turned out to be America’s longest war it had ever fought. A: First World War B: Second World War C: Korean War D: Vietnam War
- 0
Please point out how speaker B in the following conversation succeeds in conveying his information implicitly. [br][/br] A: Let’s get the kids something. B: Okay, but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M. A: y flouting the maxim of quantity B: y flouting the maxim of quality. C: y flouting the maxim of relevance. D: y flouting the maxim of manner.
- 1
The following conversation exchange clearly violates ______. A: Let’s get the kids something. B: Okay, but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M-S. A: maxim of Quantity B: maxim of Quality C: maxim of Relation D: maxim of Manner
- 2
What main sub-genre can war films be divided into? ( )。 A: Vietnam War Film. B: First World War Film. C: Second World War Film. D: Iraq War Film.
- 3
American Romanticism started in the early 19th century and lasted until _____. A: the Independence War B: the American Civil War C: the First World War D: the Indian War
- 4
France controlled Syria ______ A: before the First World War B: from 1516 until the end of the First World War C: from 1516 to Syrian independence D: from the end of the First World War to I946