In vain _______ with each other for a whole night over who should pay the bill.
A: did they argue
B: they argued
C: argued they
D: they did argue
A: did they argue
B: they argued
C: argued they
D: they did argue
- It is no use ______ with Bill because he will never change his mind. A: to argue B: arguing C: to be argued D: argue
- They have been ________ over this issue for hours. A: argue B: argues C: argued D: arguing
- It is a waste of time _____ (A. to argue B. arguing) with her. A: to argue B: arguing C: argue D: argued
- It's no use ()with a drunken man. A: argue B: to argue C: arguing D: being argued
- While they _________, their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. A: were arguing B: argue C: argued D: argues