• 2021-04-14
    Research should always be your first step. Gathering background information on employers is a crucial element in successful interview preparation.
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      Which step is the most important for you to buy a good computer () A: The first step. B: The last step. C: The fifth step. D: The second step.

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      An Introduction section should not involve ___________________. A: research questions and rationale of the research B: author’s information C: the minimum background information needed to capture attention D: a brief description of the general experimental approach

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      Your application for a job should mainly inform the employer of your() A: present position and income B: former employers C: background and experience D: former colleagues

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      Preparation is important for making a successful presentation, however, if we cannot find time to prepare, we may skip preparation.

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      What should you do during the interview? A: Put all of your materials in a professional-looking folder, briefcase, or handbag. B: Practice your interview with someone you trust. Rehearse your responses out loud. C: Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview. D: Research information about the company including their "mission" or goal.