• 2022-06-05
    The word "myelopathy" means _______________.
    A: inflammation of the spinal cord
    B: a disease of the spinal cord
    C: a disease of the thyroid gland
    D: inflammation of the pituitary gland
  • B


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      The word "balanitis " means the inflammation of __________. A: the prostate gland B: the penis C: the head of the penis D: the epididymies

    • 1

      Which of the following glands is not an endocrine gland? ( ) A: Pituitary gland B: Parotid gland C: Thyroid gland D: Adrenal gland

    • 2

      Hidradenitis is inflammation of a __________________. A: sweat gland B: salivary gland C: sebaceous gland D: ceruminous gland E: meibomian gland

    • 3

      Which the following glands belong to the endocrine glands? A: Pituitary gland B: Thyroid gland C: Parotid gland D: Mammary gland E: Adrenal gland

    • 4

      The meninges of the brain and spinal cord include the______ ______ and ______ .