If the daily, 90% confidence level, VaR of a portfolio is estimated to be $4,000, the risk manager would expect that in one out of:( )
A: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or less
B: 90 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or less
C: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or more
A: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or less
B: 90 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or less
C: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $4,000 or more
- If the daily, 90% confidence level, VaR of a portfolio is correctly estimated to be $5,000, one would expect that in one out of:( ) A: 90 days, the portfolio value will decline by $5,000 or less B: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $5,000 or more C: 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by $5,000 or less
- (4)从银行提取现金4 000元备用。 A: 借:银行存款 4 000 贷:库存现金 4 000 B: 借:库存现金 4 000 贷:银行存款 4 000 C: 借:银行存款 4 000 贷:备用金 4 000 D: 借:备用金 4 000 贷:库存现金 4 000
- 计提车间固定资产折旧费4 000元,编制的会计分录是( )。 A: 借:制造费用 4 000 贷:累计折旧 4 000 B: 借:管理费用 4 000 贷:累计折旧 4 000 C: 借:销售费用 4 000 贷:累计折旧 4 000 D: 借:财务费用 4 000 贷:累计折旧 4 000
- 宏达公司“应付账款”账户4月末余额为()元。 A: 10 000 B: 30 000 C: 20 000 D: 0
- 血友病是X 连锁隐性遗传病。男性发病率为1/10 000,女性发病率是() A: 1×1/10 000 B: 2×1/10 000 C: 4×1/10 000 D: 8×1/10 000 E: 1/10 0002