Was it in 1969 ____, the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon?
- Was it is 1969()the American astronaut succeeded()landing on the moon A: when, on B: that, on C: where, in D: that, in
- Was it in 1969 ______ the American astronaut succeeded ______ landing on the moon A: when; on B: that; on C: which; in D: that; in
- Was it in 1969 ______ the American astronaut succeeded ______ landing on the moon A: when; on B: B. that; on C: which; in D: D. that; in
- Was it in 1969 () the American astronaut succeed()lauding on the moon A: when; on B: that; on C: which; in D: that; in
- What will be the astronauts' top priorities() A: Entering the orbit and landing on the moon. B: Landing and walking on the moon surface. C: Exploration and researches into the moon composition. D: Exploration and construction of a moon base.