• 2022-06-05
    Remember, e-mail is not designed ________ ( to, for)immediate response, it’s designed __________ convenience. ( for, in)
  • for# for


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      E-mail is a conversation that does not require an ___________(immediate, immediately) response .

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      The Internet was designed for convenience and _______not security. A: reality B: dependency C: independency D: unreliability

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      E-mail is a conversation that does not require an immediate response (like a telephone).

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      The (company’s) training plan (designed) to help the employees (improve) their work habits and (efficiency).() A: company’s B: designed C: improve D: efficiency

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      I like the<br/>television programme ________ educate and not merely to entertain. A: designed to B: designed for C: is designed to D: is designed for