China has ambitions to become a far more significant player in the technology world.
- China is________ to become a far more significant player in the technology world
- This new report suggests that China is ____(ambition) to become a far more significant player in the technology world.
- Statistics indicate that by far China has established ship routes with more than 200 major ports in over 600 countries around the world.
- China has become the country with the largest increase in forest resources in the world.
- ( ) China has ambitions to become a far more significant player in the technology world. A: 新的“工作报告”中承诺要加大力度着力于将中国的制造业达到从量到质的升级。 B: 中国总理李克强提出了“互联网+”政策。 C: 人们普遍认为,中国最大网络门户腾讯公司主席马化腾的看法与上文提及的内容一致。 D: 中国将在科技世界里充当一个非常重要的角色,对此,中国雄心万丈。 E: 我们要发展“互联网+”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网与现代制造业结合。