• 2022-06-05
    In general, the ancient Romans were a ______ people.
    A: practically
    B: practical
    C: practising
    D: practised
  • B


    • 0

      My neighbour _______ the violin; she usually practises at about this time. A: practises B: will practise C: is practising D: has practised

    • 1

      Is it ________ to buy tickets in advance? A: practical B: practically C: possibly D: possible

    • 2

      There is a car or two in ____ every American home. A: hardly B: practically C: practical

    • 3

      There’s a gun in __________every American home. A: practicing B: practically C: practical D: practice

    • 4

      The Naxi people were ancient ( ) people who migrated from Qing-hai Tibet Plateau A: Yue B: Pu C: Qiang D: Man