• 2022-06-04
    According to the passage, a life preserver should be first of all ______.
    A: adjustable
    B: comfortable
    C: self-evident
    D: self-righting
  • D


    • 0

      I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _____ in a quiet environment. A: before all B: first of all C: after all D: above all

    • 1

      The mirror test is used to investigate children’s recognition of ( ). A: Spiritual self B: Subjective self C: Material self D: Objective self

    • 2

      What are the two areas that people without trainning should avoid at all cost according to the passage?

    • 3

      Given the self impedance at the fault location and the split coefficient of a certain power source to the fault location, the transfer impedance from the power source to the fault location should be ( ). A: self impedance times the split coefficient B: self impedance dividedby the split coefficient C: uncertain

    • 4

      If the liferaft capsizes,all personnel should leave the raft and(). A: Aclimb onto the bottom B: Bswim away from the raft C: Cright the raft using the righting strap D: Dinflate the righting bag