• 2022-06-04
    The tourist ____________ (looking at, looked at) the map is a relative of my father.
  • looking at


    • 0

      My friend ()a new job now A: was looking for B: looked for C: is looking for D: has looked for

    • 1

      My uncle Ratchit preceded my father in the family business.Preceded means that Uncle Ratchit A: worked before my father. B: worked after my father. C: worked at the same time as my father. D: stole from my father.

    • 2

      The manager promised to have my complaint____. A: looking into B: looked into C: look into D: to be looked into

    • 3

      Some people say I bear a striking _____(相像) to my father. I look just the same as my father was in his childhood.

    • 4

      I am looking for the pen my father gave me last week.