• 2022-06-04
    The temperature soared to 100 degrees.
    A: increased rapidly
    B: rose to a great height
    C: flew at a great height
  • A


    • 0

      当浮动框架的height=100%无效时,最简单的处理方法是()。 A: 设置iframe的height=100% B: 设置html的height=100% C: 设置body的height=100% D: 设置html、body和iframe的height=100%

    • 1

      以下关于width属性和height属性语法格式正确的是()。 A: width:15; B: width:60px; C: height:100%; D: height:100;

    • 2

      img-responsive类可以让图片支持响应式布局,它的实现原理是______。 A: 设置了max-width:100%;和height:auto; B: 设置了max-width:100%;和height:100%; C: 设置了max-width:auto;和height:auto; D: 设置了max-width:auto;和height:100%;

    • 3

      It seems that the production of this company have______(great)increased this month.

    • 4

      It seems that the production of this company have__1__(great)increased this month.