• 2022-06-04
    Which of the following is WRONG about the terminology used in software engineering? ()
    A: Smalltalk-Language
    B: Macro assemblers-Tool
    C: Offshore outsourcing--Platform
    D: Lean software development-Process
  • A


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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following should be treated as a separate workflow of software process?

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      Which of the following software lifecycle models is the best one for a software development organization and a project? A: Waterfall model B: Rapid prototype model C: Incremental model D: It depends.

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      Which of the following commands should be used to obtain information about the software packages available on the installation media?() A:  lsattr B:  inutoc C:  installp D:  lsresource

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      Which of the following is not a system software program type? A: Utilities B: Device drivers C: Language translators D: Sectors

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      Which of the following statements about module is wrong? _________关于模块的以下语句中哪个是错误的? ________ A: Good module design is important for the quality of the whole software system. B: Module design is part of software system design. C: Modules are parts of the whole software system. D: An array in a program can be taken as a module.