• 2022-06-04
    We don't need _______ any more.
    A: run
    B: running
    C: to run
    D: runs
  • C


    • 0

      The cat always __________ outside. A: run B: runs C: running

    • 1

      Don’t stop here. Go on ________ until you reach the end line. A: to run B: run C: runing D: running

    • 2

      Don’t stop here. Go on ________ until you reach the end line.(2.3分) A: to run B: run C: runing D: running

    • 3

      I _____ out of milk, so I went to 7-11 to buy some more. A: run out B: ran out C: runs out D: running out

    • 4

      Sarah,you’dbetterdrinkmorewaterafter_____forsuchalongtime. A: run B: runs C: torun D: running