• 2022-06-04
    _______ smoke near the petrol station.
  • Don’t


    • 0

      There used to be petrol station near the park, ______ A: didn't it B: doesn't there C: usedn't it D: didn't there

    • 1

      There used to be petrol station near the park, ______ A: didn't it B: doesn't there C: usedn't it D: didn't there

    • 2

      There used to be a petrol station near the park, _____? (2006) A: didn't it B: doesn't there C: usedn't it? D: didn't there

    • 3

      There used to be a petrol station near the park, __? (TEM4-2006-65) A: didn't it B: doesn't there C: usedn't it? D: didn’t there

    • 4

      There used to be petrol station near the park,______ ? (06年真题) A: didn’t it B: doesn’t there C: usedn’t it D: didn’t there