A: The pointer moves around the dial.
B: The pointer circles the dial.
A: The pointer moves around the dial.
B: The pointer circles the dial.
- 在读取读数之前让刻度盘稳定。 A: Let the dial become stable before you read the indications. B: Allow dial to settle before taking legible readings. C: Allow dial to settle before taking readings.
- 若变量pointer是指针变量,命令pointer=0x2000; 是正确的赋值命令。
- 指向类X中类型为type的数据成员的指针的说明形式为( ) A: type X::*pointer B: B) X::type*pointer C: type *X::pointer D: X::*type pointer
- 下列代码段,( )是正确的 A: int *pointer,x;pointer=x; B: int *pointer,x;*pointer=x; C: int *pointer,x;pointer=&x; D: int *pointer,x;x=&pointer;
- int a=3;int *pointer;pointer=&a;此时,*pointer与( )等价。 A: a B: *a C: &a D: pointer