• 2022-06-04
    17e44787ba63461.png1. If the earth's temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all_______________.
  • mankind


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      what the analogy is: which two things are being compared?The earth’s atmosphere is like a blanket of gases around the earth. It is only a thin layer but it helps to maintain the temperature of the earth, keeping us warm. It also offers a layer of protection from the intensity of the sun. A: earth’s atmosphere and a blanket B: earth’s atmosphere and gases C: earth’s atmosphere and a layer of protection D: earth’s atmosphere and a blanket of gases

    • 1

      Global warming and climate change are terms for the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s _____ and its related effects.

    • 2

      4. We can assume that by the end of the 21st-century, global warming is likely to cause an increase in the earth’s temperature of around degrees Celsius. A: 2-5 B: 1 C: 3-4 D: 4

    • 3

      Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth's near surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

    • 4

      Of all the elements in the Earth's crust, oxygen is known to be the more common.() A: Of all B: elements C: to be D: more