• 2022-06-04
    stay hungry stay foolish出自哪位名人()。
    A: 比尔盖茨
    B: 卡内基
    C: 霍金
    D: Steve jo
  • D


    • 0

      “stay hungry , stay foolish ”的意思是 A: 愚不可及 B: 求知若渴

    • 1

      哪位名人说出stayhungrystayfoolish这句话的() A: 卡内基 B: 比尔盖茨 C: Stevejobs D: 霍金

    • 2

      What can we see behind “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish”? A: Passion for knowledge. B: Perseverance. C: Uniqueness. D: Innovation.

    • 3

      The meaning of "Stay hungry, stay foolish" is "________." A: Work hard to support yourself and read more books B: Don't pay too much attention to material things becasue they make you foolish C: Be curious and brave enough to be unconventional D: Go hitch-hiking if you were adventurous and add poetic touch to your life

    • 4

      Stay hungry, stay foolish. A: 保持饥饿,保持愚蠢。 B: 求知若饥,虚心若愚。